Today I will talk about a research paper that I found interesting that relates to the topic of physical activity. In the article, they studied the behaviours between nutrition and physical activity and the purpose of this study was to determine the diet quality and physical behaviours of students by sex and body weight status to determine the associations between diet and physical activity. Over 400 students were taken in and given a validated web based food behaviour questionnaire. This questionnaire assessed the nutrition intake, physical activities and food behaviours. This was completed from Tuesday to Friday so that they would get all the weekday information. These were then marked on a score from 0 to 100, with 100 being a perfect score of diet quality followed by "needs improvement" and "poor". The students were then measured on their physical activity, amount of television, hours of computer games played, height and weight, and even transportation to and from school.
It was then found that the mean of the students diets was 69.6 which meant that they "needed improvement" and was not different between sex or weight. They also found that the physical activity of those students who scored bad in the diets, were significantly lower than the other people who had a better score in their diet questionnaire. In the end the researchers found that there was a relationship between physical activity and diet in the students surveyed. As the students became less active, their diet was worse than before; on the other hand, the students who were very active had a very high score on their diet questionnaires. The importance of this study was to see whether or not the two were correlated to one another. Through their research, we can see that the two are correlated with one another and by knowing this, we can improve students physical health. By making these students more active, we can direct them towards a more healthy diet and overall improve their health and well being.

Associations between diet quality and physical activity